8 conditions for horse welfare
If you want to keep your horse healthy, pay attention to these 8 conditions:
Perhaps the most important thing for the well-being of your horse (or pony), that is you.
You make decisions that determine his or her life and that is quite a responsibility. Because horses are so sensitive, everything you do (and how you do it) affects your horse. Even the very little things. The tone of your voice, the attention with which you do something, your attitude. Are you a good herd leader?
Respectful training
Would you like to learn something from someone who doesn’t respect you? Of course not. You still see them, people who think you can teach your horse something by hitting it, or think that horses “on purpose” don’t make sense. And sometimes we catch ourselves that we feel irritation when a horse (or a child) doesn’t ‘just do what we say’. The trick is to be clear and friendly. And you can practice that. Read more about training.
Check by vet and dentist
Find a good vet that you click with and call him or her if you are unsure about anything. You know your horse, your feelings don’t lie. And don’t forget the dentist. With an often simple intervention, your horse can be greatly helped. Take a look at the website of horse dentist and vet Roos.
Physiotherapist or osteopath
If your horse is never wrong, you may not see the point in it. But if your horse’s performance is disappointing or he’s just not feeling well, consider calling in a movement therapist. You will be amazed what a difference it can make.
good farrier
Your horse’s feet are important for his entire well-being. And for his movements. One blacksmith is not the other, a good blacksmith provides you and your horse a lot. Unrolling the hoof is important, explains farrier Symon Hofstra.
Pedigree and race
This is the one thing that is out of your control (unless you are a breeder). The breed and lineage of your horse or pony affects his or her health. Some things are innate or more common within certain bloodlines or breeds. You can’t do anything about that, but you can take it into account. Be open to learning. And don’t let your mare be covered by the first best. 🙂
Meadow or stable and good nutrition
Does your horse have enough room to move and company of peers? A horse cannot live without a herd and feels most in its element when it can roam freely in a safe environment. How have you housed your horse(s) and what do you feed them? Do you make conscious choices about this, or do they get ‘what we always give them’?
We advocate for as much roughage as possible: hay and grass. If your horse is sensitive to sugars, we have found a good article for you on naturalpaarden.nl . Depending on the effort and performance that your horse has to deliver, you can also opt for concentrates.
Matching saddle
Last but not least.. A saddle that fits your horse is crucial for the well-being of your horse. A poorly fitting saddle causes pain and often behavioral problems. Because your horse hides his pain, he will compensate for movements, using muscle function for a movement that would normally be performed by another muscle (group), which can cause new injuries. And then we haven’t even mentioned that a saddle should also fit you as a rider or rider. Discover which saddle fits your horse!